Slow Food

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Slow Food: a great international movement born between the Langhe and Roero

Slow Food is a great international movement, born in Bra, in Piedmont, in 1986. Throughout its history, it has carried out over 10,000 projects in 160 countries and can count on one million activists.

Since its origins, Slow Food has been committed to promoting the right to good, clean and fair food for all, as part of the pursuit of prosperity and happiness for current and future humanity and for the entire living network.

With full awareness of the climate and environmental crises and their economic, social and health consequences, Slow Food today acts through its projects and networks, inviting everyone to give a sign of hope and to make a choice of individual and collective well-being: to feel good about ourselves, to be better together with those close to us, people but also other living beings. Having an ecosystem-friendly and resilient approach improves the quality of our lives and those around us first and foremost.

Slow Food Italia is an association. If you also want to help improve the future, join us.

I progetti di Slow Food

Relying on a global network of conduits, communities and thematic networks, the slow movement fights for the defense of biodiversity, promoting taste education and dialog between civil society and institutions. The basis of Slow Food’s work is the safeguarding of products and production techniques (Presìdi, Arca del Gusto) supported also through storytelling and promotion in the world of catering, through the construction of a relationship of trust and mutual support between producers and chefs (Alleanza dei Cuochi). The association also works every day to shorten the supply chain between those who produce and those who consume through the Markets of the Land and deals with “taste education” with the Slow Food Gardens, the Food to Action Academy and the Popular Academy of Taste.

The network and the themes

Slow Food’s actions are carried out through thematic networks (Slow Olive, Slow GrainsSlow Beans, Castanicoltori), le international coalitions (Slow Food Coffee Coalition, Slow Wine Coalition, Migrant Network), the Slow Food Youth Network of young activists and campaigns (come Slow Fish, Slow Cheese, Slow Meat,Slow Bees, Cibo e salute), thanks to which we bring the demands of the world of production and the demand for consumer rights to EU institutions.

The events

Slow Food organizza ogni anno, dal 2004, eventi e manifestazioni internazionali per unire i produttori di tutto il mondo e condividere la passione, la cultura e il rispetto della biodiversità alimentare: Terra Madre Salone del Gusto a Torino, Slow Fish a Genova e Cheese a Bra. In particolare, quest’ultima è la manifestazione biennale che più ci coinvolge. Si svolge a Bra a fine settembre degli anni dispari ed è dedicata alle forme del latte crudo. Tanti gli appuntamenti a cui partecipare, come conferenze, Laboratori del Gusto, street food e gli Appuntamenti a Tavola organizzati presso il Ristorante Garden.

Slow Food has been organizing international events every year since 2004 to unite producers from all over the world and share the passion, culture and respect for food biodiversity: Terra Madre Salone del Gusto in Turin, Slow Fish in Genoa and Cheese in Bra. In particular, the latter is the biennial event that most closely involves us. It takes place in Bra at the end of September in odd-numbered years and is dedicated to the forms of raw milk cheese. There are many events to attend, such as conferences, Taste Workshops, street food and Appointments around the Table organized at the Ristorante Garden.

Wine Bank (Banca del Vino)

The Wine Bank was founded in 2001 with the aim of preserving and telling the story of the richness of the territories, soils and native vines of our Peninsula. An unforgettable experience among the more than 100,000 bottles selected from among the best wines in the world stored under the vaulted brick ceilings in the wine cellars of the Agenzia of Pollenzo. You can visit the Bank for free, shop in its store or participate in activities such as tastings, team building, courses and events.

Università di Scienze Gastronomiche

The University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo was founded in 2004 thanks to the collaboration of Slow Food and the regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna. Its original training path combines theoretical studies, practice and educational trips around the world in order to convey to students a deep understanding of food as a value capable of creating and shaping society. The university trains Gastronomes (Food specialists), that is, professionals in the field of science, culture, politics, economics and food ecology.